Lake Turkana, also known as the Jade Sea, lies in a very remote part of northern Kenya. Flamingos are among the various creatures that call this Rift Valley lake home.

The Windiest Place on Earth

Power Africa


Faced with energy deficiencies and increasing energy demands to power its growing economy, Kenya is taking a giant leap forward with the Lake Turkana wind park. By harnessing winds with average speeds exceeding 11 m/s (that’s the equivalent of a 6 on the Beaufort scale, which is strong enough to tip over a plastic bin), the Lake Turkana wind farm will provide around 15 percent of the country’s electricity capacity when fully operational later this year.

Located in Loiyangalani District, Marsabit West County, and producing 310 MW, Lake Turkana will be the largest wind park in Africa to date and the largest single private sector investment in Kenya’s history. When completed, Lake Turkana wind park will not only provide Kenya with much needed green energy, it will save the country more than 100 million euros a year in imported fuel costs, and drive down overall electricity prices for Kenyan consumers and businesses.

The Green Team cleans blades before installation.

Vestas, the world’s leading provider of wind energy solutions and a Power Africa partner, is manufacturing, delivering and installing the turbines for the project. A range of international investor groups with vast experience in infrastructure projects in emerging markets is funding the consortium behind the wind park, Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP).

Additionally, the project will increase access to the Lake Turkana area by establishing a more than 200-kilometer road, improving living conditions through numerous community initiatives covering water access, health, and education by expanding transportation routes.

With more than 35 years of experience in pioneering wind energy in new markets and a unique global reach, Vestas is helping push electricity access in sub-Saharan Africa. The Lake Turkana project is a testament to Vestas’ ability to go anywhere the wind blows.

Learn how the Lake Turkana project came to life and watch the “The windiest place on earth” video here.



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